Saturday, August 31, 2019

We had a great first week!

We had a great first week of school in Ms. Julie and Mrs. Horton's class!  We have been learning/practicing our daily routine and schedule.  In the morning, when we come into the classroom, we hang up our backpacks, take out our folder, put it in the bottom cubby (please remember to bring these folders in daily!), and look for our name on a star on the yellow table to answer the Question of the Day!  (Ms. Julie claps and says: backpack, folder, find your star!). The question remains the same for the whole week!

After we answer the question, we do morning table time activities at our 3 rectangle tables, at the Writing Center (red table), or we may look at books in our Reading Center/Library while we wait for the rest of our friends to arrive.

Once everyone arrives, we clean up and have our morning Circle Time!  We always start with our Hello Song, then we do the Pledge of Allegiance, sing our "Salute the Flag" Song, Calendar, Weather, talk about the Question of the Day, read a story and sometimes play a game!  Everyone has a job in our classroom that lasts the whole week!  We have a line leader, calendar helper, table washer, weather person to name a few! Ask your child what their job was this week!

After Circle Time, it is Center Time!  Each Center can only have a certain number of friends playing in it at a time, so if a center is "full", the kids must make a different choice.  They each have a name card which they carry with them and put in a center bucket that tells how many friends can play at any given center.

Pretend Play Center Fun!

Exploring in the Discovery Center (Science Center and Sensory Table!)

Playing in the Blocks Center:

Strengthening fine motor muscles in the Playdough Center!

At the Table Games Center, we practice Math, Literacy, and Fine Motor Skills!

On Monday, we read "Pete the Cat Rocking In My School Shoes".  We read the book in the morning at Circle Time and then listened to the CD and sang and played our air guitars along with the story!  Pete rode the bus to his school, so we made school bus calendars for September.  These calendars went home on Monday.  Please check the calendar to see if you are bringing in healthy snack this month.  Thank you!

On Tuesday, we read the "Kissing Hand".  We were introduced to Mrs. Raccoon and Chester, who will be our class 'pets' for the rest of the school year!  Chester will get to go home (on a 'playdate') with each of the kids for a weekend adventure at some point during the year.  This weekend, he went home with Ms. Julie and is already having a great time! (See photo!).  We learned that Chester is a raccoon and goes to school at night, and sleeps during the day and that this is called Nocturnal.  We also learned how to say I Love You sign language.  We made Kissing Hand (handprint!) Placemats to use during snack time for the month of September.  On Friday, we made our own "kissing hand cookies" and ate them at snack time!

We also read about a Pigeon who does not want to go to school and about how sometimes you can be a little nervous before the first day of school, but how it is SO much fun once you get there!

We have been practicing writing and recognizing our names.  We dot painted our first initials and hung them up on our Art Center bulletin board.  We made our own name books, too!

We also learned how to use bottles of glue:  'just a dot, not a lot'

And, of course, we had so much FUN on the playground!

Thanks to EVERYONE for a great first week!  

-Ms. Julie